About CAPE

Who CAPE are
70% of how engaged and happy you are at work is down to your relationship with your immediate manager (Gallup 2020). Yet managing people is possibly one of the most challenging aspects of work. Less than half of all managers receive training, which drops a quarter if you work in an SME. No wonder many managers underperform in their roles… or feel overwhelmed.
As former managers with over 15 years of experience coaching other managers, we knew that current management training wasn’t accessible for most, wasn’t focused on the right content to be effective, or delivered in a way that was impactful as a learning experience. So, we decided to do something about it!
In the Summer of 2020, Naomi and Lynsey undertook their own primary research by interviewing over 30 managers across different sectors, industries and sized businesses. An eye-opening account into the feelings, facts and impact that managing people for the first time had on the interviewees was found. From this, a programme that focuses on supporting first-time people managers was born - CAPE. To learn more, download the report here.

"Managing people is one of the most challenging, yet rewarding things you might do"
Hear from Lynsey at CAPE

We built a programme that is at an accessible price point for SMEs and charities and is also accessible from a time commitment perspective. It provides an experiential learning experience focused on creating a community of managers who learn with and from each other, with a foundation centred on having better conversations and developing the human skills to build effective working relationships. The positive impact and feedback on the programme has been overwhelming.
We know:
- As soon as ‘manager’ is added to your job title, you are expected to have all the answers. But, in reality, you may feel like a bit of a fraud.
- There is a seed of doubt inside most people managers. We know that if this isn’t tackled, it can grow. We also know that traditional training doesn’t address this.
- To make an impact as a manager, what worked for you previously in a delivery role is unlikely to work for you now. We can help you reflect and make the changes that are needed.
- Developing self-belief is the key to being a happy, healthy and confident manager. CAPE exists to help you develop yours.
"Lynsey and Naomi at CAPE are absolutely brilliant. They have been invaluable for our team's professional development. Couldn't recommend them highly enough!"
- HR Director, Birmingham Hospice
Meet your coaches

Lynsey Kitching PCC MRICS
Lynsey is a PCC ICF accredited coach and facilitator passionate about human-centred leadership. With over twenty years of commercial experience in leadership and management roles, Lynsey has first-hand experience of real business challenges. This translates into an outcome-focused coaching approach that supports clients in adding value for their organisations and building successful careers for themselves.

Naomi Regan PCC
Naomi is a performance-driven coach and facilitator with PCC accreditation from the International Coaching Federation. She draws on 15 years of commercial leadership experience, using her natural energy and creativity to develop bespoke ways to support individuals and teams to achieve their desired outcomes. She is particularly passionate about helping her clients increase their self-awareness, self-belief and, in turn, performance.

Charity partners
Working with charities
At CAPE, we believe in making a positive impact in the community and ensuring coaching and development are accessible to everyone. For charities and nonprofits, we offer great discounts across all our programmes and coaching. As part of our flagship CAPE programme, our participants also lead coaching conversations with charity employees, volunteers and service users to utilise their skills.
Benefits for our charity partners include:
- Additional people resource to support their goals/mission.
- Positive role models for their service users and/or employees and volunteers.
- Coaching/mentoring support to improve their service user’s and/or employee’s self-belief.
- Working towards clear career goals and action planning.
- Visibility for the organisation through CAPE’s network and marketing.
If your charity wishes to partner with CAPE, please enquire below.